Faculty & Staff

To contact any of the faculty or staff you may leave a message with the School office at 478-625-8861.

David Boggsdboggs@tjajags.comLower School Chapel, Athletics Chaplin
Andy Bonifayabonifay@tjajags.comHead of School, Head Varsity Baseball
Shelby CalhounLS para-pro
Melissa Chapmanmchapman@tjajags.comK5 Teacher
Loretta DavisCafeteria Manager
Amber Dowdyadowdy@tjajags.comUpper School Director, Upper School Science
Holli Dyehdye@tjajags.comLower School Para Pro, Head MS Girls Softball
Susan Godownssgodowns@tjajags.comElementary P.E.; Assistant Varsity Softball, Head Middle School Track
Becky Harrisonbharrison@tjajags.comGuidance Counselor, Jr. Beta Club Sponsor,
Varsity Tennis
Terence Hennessythennessy@tjajags.comVarsity Football Coach, Athletic Director, High School English
Brandy Hiebertbhiebert@tjajags.comAdministrative Assistant
Katelyn Hugheskhiebert@tjajags.com2nd Grade Teacher, Head Middle School and Jr. Pro Basketball, Assistant Varsity Girls Basketball
Pamela Irbypirby@tjajags.comLower School Para Pro
Lisa Johnsonljohnson@tjajags.comMiddle School Director, Upper School Electives
Larry Kellerlkeller@tjajags.comMiddle School History, Middle School Football Coach, Varsity Girls Basketball Coach, Golf
Anne Lambalamb@tjajags.comUpper School Math
Paige Lambplamb@tjajags.comMiddle School English / Literature
Patricia Ledgerpledger@tjajags.comParaprofessional, After School Care
David LindnerWrens Bus Route Driver
Martha LindnerCustodian/Cafeteria
Leigh Mays
lmays@tjajags.com4th / 5th Grade Math, Middle School Math
Ashlie McClellan
amcclellan@tjajags.com1st Grade Teacher
Jonquin Mckinneyjmckinney@tjajags.comMS & HS PE/Weightlifting, Head Varsity Boys Basketball, Head MS Boys Basketball
Carol Millercmiller1@tjajags.com4th/5th Grade Language Arts Teacher
Christie Millercmiller@tjajags.comLower School Director, 3rd Grade Teacher,
Gail Molegmole@tjajags.comK4 Teacher
Ashlyn Morrisonamorrison@tjajags.comK5 Teacher
Jessica Palumbojpalumbo@tjajags.comUpper School Language Arts, Varsity Cross Country, One Act Play, Literary
Sharon Phillipssphillips@tjajags.comK3 Paraprofessional
Michelle Rabunmirabun@tjajags.comArt
Kristi Richardskrichards@tjajags.comLibrarian
Deina Spencedspence@tjajags.comDevelopment/Marketing, Varsity Cheer Coach
Cathy Tinerctiner@tjajags.comDean of Academics, Finances, Director of K3
Jackie Walden
jwalden@tjajags.comK3 Teacher
Jenny Wasdenjwasden@tjajags.comMiddle School Science, Assistant Varsity Softball, Assistant Track and Field
Tori Wrentwheeler@tjajags.comVarsity Cheer Coach, Jr Pro Cheer, Competition Cheer