Beta Club

Senior Beta Club


The purpose of the Beta Club is the promotion of scholarship, leadership and good citizenship at TJA.


Membership consists of student in grades 9-12 who because of worthy character, good mentality, creditable achievement, and commendable attitude have been approved by the headmaster provided that these students meet the club’s academic requirement.

Academic Requirement

The scholastic requirements for membership are:

  1. A 92 average for two consecutive nine weeks for initial membership.  A 90 average must be maintained thereafter.  This average will be figured on the core courses only which are:  English, Science, History, Math, and Foreign Language.
  2. Membership in the Honors Program.
  3. At least an 80 average for previous years in high school.
  4. No senior is inducted into the Beta Club because of the semester probation ruling which would make it possible for a senior to graduate as a Beta Club member with only having a 92 average for the first 2 nine weeks of school.

Loss of Membership

  1. Scholastic average falls below 90 and the student cannot raise it back to 90 in one semester.
  2. Cheating by giving or receiving answers. On the 1st offense the student will be suspended from Beta Club for 2 consecutive nine week grading periods and will have to reapply as a new member and meet all new membership requirements.  On a 2nd offense the student will be permanently dropped from the Beta Club.


The TJA Beta Club is affiliated with the National Beta Club and is governed by the academic and financial policies laid down in the National Constitution.  Our coat of arms, motto, colors, creed and official insignia are those of the National Beta Club.